Friday 28 September 2012


Swansea Metropolitan University

Course Title - Photography in the Arts.

This course is at Swansea Metropolitan University and offers a great opportunity to gain creativity and allows you to put your individual stamp on your images, whilst you bring in your own interests and explore different imaginative ideas. I would be interested in this course as creating a piece of art such as a photograph, bringing strong conceptual ideas into it and being creative with post processing in order to story tell definitely appeals to me. Swansea will be one of my choices, as the University is in a nice environment, and had brilliant connections to the Photography industry. I feel the place is inspiring, and as well as the courses they offer being strong, it is important that I would be able to work well living there and I really could make the most of living so close to the sea. Lots of experimental images and ideas I could explore.

BA(Hons) Photojournalism (incorporating HND award)

Photojournalism is a course which stands out to me as I have always admired documentary and capturing what is going on around me. This course would allow me to expand my photography skills and be taught how to report, tell stories and describe. It'll also guide me into working in a competitive industry whilst developing my own individual style to continue throughout my body of work. The course is located at Swansea Metropolitan and is a beautiful place which I have been looking at for a while. 

Foundation degree (Fd) in Contemporary Art Practice
Newcastle Under Lyme College

- Fine Art 
- Fine Art Photography 
- 3D Design & Crafts 
- Ceramics 
- Fashion & Textiles 
- Illustration

This course would be suitable for me to look into because of the idea I can research into an array of different subjects within art practice to find the area I would like to go into. It gives me the chance to build a portfolio and build my skills within art and design. My National Diploma in Photography over two years has taught me a lot about working as a Photographer, teaching me the skills that will build my confidence to work quickly and well. This would help me get onto the course because although I will be going over perhaps what I have already learnt, it would still remind me of the areas that perhaps I don't think about much anymore, such as Apertures, Shutter speeds, ISO etc and link into the Fine art Photography specialist pathway. I also have worked at Amerton Pottery for three years and would help me very much in the Ceramics area. 

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